By Warren Nunn
In the aftermath of the Australian Federal election much has been written about the unexpected outcome of the conservative Coalition being re-elected.
The opinion polls and most commentators were expecting the Australian Labor Party to sweep into power and Bill Shorten to be the new Prime Minister.
Many even scoffed openly at the very few who said that Scott Morrison would retain the job of Prime Minister.
Not surprisingly the ALP is in a state of confusion. How could the polling be so wrong? We put forward bold, visionary policies that would greatly benefit Australia. We pounded the streets, knocked on doors and engaged with the electorate.
Many have put forward various reasons they suggest impacted voters to stay the course with a fractured Coalition Government that sacked two leaders during the previous two terms.
So, I’m taking a very long and considered overview of the situation. I’ve broken up my observations into smaller articles.
If you choose to follow the rest of my observations, here are the links:
2 The confusion | 3 The tension | 4 My vote | 5 Policy problems | 6 Handouts | 7 The needy | 8 Too much? | 9 The truth? | 10 The dissenters | 11 Intolerance | 12 Few decide
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