Rockhampton’s early history

By Warren Nunn OK, I admit it, I’ve become really interested in history. When I was gifted a book on Rockhampton’s early history, I could not put it down and read it in a couple of days while also making copious notes. First published in 1904, J. T. S....

Special food the Goodenuffs now won’t eat

By Warren Nunn Let me tell you about the people known as The Goodenuffs. They were a people brought together on what some might call divine principles. Many generations ago The Goodenuffs gathered together under a banner of love, co-operation, and, like many others,...

Meet the crazy beast and the crazy things written about it

By Warren Nunn Meet the creature that paleontologists are calling the crazy beast. It’s a mammal from Madagsacar with such odd features that it has been assigned a new genus and species, Adalatherium hui. Its front teeth apparently continually grew and it also...

Evolutionary dogma designed to suppress

By Warren Nunn Each time the creation-evolution debate gets an airing, there is a clear, passionate divide in which strong opinions are voiced. In the United States there have been court cases in which school boardsĀ  have been sued over teaching students about...

The media and poor science journalism

By Warren Nunn The BBC has conducted a campaign which it claims will help people better understand evolution. It can be found at Unfortunately, the article is not an example of good journalism. Rather it fails to...

How a fist fight impacted this young boy

By Warren Nunn Growing up in a small railway settlement in Queensland gave me an intimate, gentle introduction to life. However, the first time I witnessed a violent act, it left me detached and incredulous that someone would want to hurt another person. Particularly...