Bravery at sea – Aberdeen Press and Journal 11 November 1799:

This is at present in the Middlesex Hospital a young and delicate female, who calls herself Miss T-lb-t, and who is said to be related to some families of distinction: her story is very singular.

At an early period of her life, having been deprived, by the villainy of a trustee, of a sum of money bequeathed her by a deceased relation of high rank, she followed the fortunes of a young naval officer, to whom she was attached, and personated a common sail before the mast, during a cruize in the North Seas.

In consequence of a lover’s quarrel she quitted her ship, and assumed, for a time, the military character: But her passion for the sea prevailing, she returned to her favourite element, did good service, and received a severe wound on board Earl St. Vincent’s ship on the glorious 14th of February, and again bled in the cause of her country in the engagement off Camperdown.

On this last occasion her knee was shattered, and an amputation is likely to ensue.

This spirited female, we understand, receives a pension of 20l. from an illustrious Lady, which is about to be doubled.

NOTE:  John Jervis, 1st Earl of St Vincent, who is pictured above, was an admiral in the Royal Navy and Member of Parliament in the United Kingdom. The “glorious 14th of February” referred to was the 1797 Battle of Cape St. Vincent between the  British and Spanish fleets.