Mutiny of Mormon converts – The Shields Daily Gazette and Shipping Telegraph, 18 February 1898:
Terrible fight in a train. A special telegram from New York to the Newcastle Journal states that at Cheyenne a carload of 60 Scandinavian converts to Mormonism on their way to Utah, in charge of Elders Marvin and Greeley, mutinied and nearly killed their religious leader.
Christian Jensen, one of the most prominent of the converts, had noticed on the journey that Elder Marvin was very attentive to his two handsome sisters, and he was horrified to learn that both were to marry Marvin on their arrival at Utah.
He concluded to act before it was too late and took the elder to task. The latter gave him no satisfaction, and Jensen called upon his friends to join in a mutiny. The more ignorant and most faithful sided with the elder. A terrific free fight ensued.
Jensen led in an attempt to lynch Marvin with the bell rope of the train, and saved his own life by wrenching a revolver from the elder’s hand. Many were badly battered in the encounter.
The pulling of the bell rope caused the train to stop, but no one dared to enter the car until the express messenger appeared with a shot gun. He then quelled the tumult by discharging the weapon through the roof of the car.
In the melee the women and children were trampled upon, and a number were seriously injured. Marvin, who had fought with desperation, was completely exhausted and covered with bruises.
While the emigrants were at lunch the trouble broke out afresh, and Jensen, his sisters, and twenty others left the car in a body and boarded the train for Denver.
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