Monster turnip – Hereford Times 5 October 1861:

We have been favoured with the sight of a turnip, of the white variety, grown on the farm of Mr George Hooper, of Barewood, Pembridge (son of Mr Hooper, late of Putson, near this city), which may be said to “take the shine” out of all monster turnips that have been brought under our notice.
It measures 48 inches in circumference, and without the top weighs 33lb; its original weight, with the top, was 38lbs. We understand that this vegetable curiosity, which is remarkable for its beautiful shape, will be exhibited at the Kerry Arms hotel, in this city; and we are informed that Mr Hooper has in his field a large number of turnips of nearly equal weight and size.
Note: The image is of the TV character Baldrick; his head covered with an enormous turnip. Baldrick was obsessed with turnips.
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