Before, during, and after images of renovations.

Side of house as the existing wall looked before demolition.

Side of house as the existing wall looked before demolition.

How it looks after new block wall and concrete pour.

How it looks after new block wall and concrete pour. Gained extra metre in width because old wall built inside property boundary.

Back of house before work started.

Back of house before work started.

Back after paths poured

Back of house after new path poured. 

As the backyard looked before work began.

As the backyard looked before work began.

After Block Wall And Sleeper Wall finished

After block wall and sleeper wall finished

Work begins on deconstructing the old block retaining wall.

6 July 2018 … work begins on deconstructing the old block retaining wall.

Old block retaining wall mostly removed ... and shifting the water tank.

6 July 2018 … the old block retaining wall mostly removed … and shifting the water tank.

Ready for the next step.

Ready for the next step.

Forming up.

Forming up.

Forming up for concrete pour.

Forming up for concrete pour.

Pouring the footings for the retaining wall.

18 July 2018 … pouring the footings for the retaining wall.

 pouring the footings for the retaining wall.

18 July 2018 … footings for the retaining wall done … now for the block work.

Retaining Wall Starts 24 July

Brickies start laying blocks Tuesday 24 July 2018.

Fence Completed
January 2019. Finally, the fence is completed.

Tanks and shed

January 2019 … Tanks and shed in place.

Electric motor in place and plumbing complete.

Electric motor in place and plumbing complete.

Looking towards the shed, fence and house.

Looking towards the shed, fence and house.

Sprinkler on using water from the tanks.

Sprinkler on using water from the tanks.